The last few days have been boring really. I am utterly dreading the RE exam as I don't know anything, and I'd rather not learn in great depth the views of Buddhists in less than 24 hours. But I should have a positive attitude, but... Meh.
• Would life be better or easier if we were all emotionless? Hell, no.
• Is black the never ending color of hate? No, it's beautiful.
• A law you hate? I respect the law >.>
• Someone that makes you sick? So many people. Jackie's nice though.
• A food you hate? I don't hate any food, except from Ma'am Horses Concoctions.
• Do you sometimes hate the ones you love the most? No, that doesn't make any sense lol
• The argument you hated having the most? I love arguing. But the awkward silence after it is annoying.
• Something about life that you hate? Hmm, if I removed anything, it wouldn't be life. I like griping.
• A movie you hate? Hmm, I don't hate a lot of movies.
• A band you wish would just SHUT UP? As above >>
• A vegetable you hate? Cabbage! D:
• Something a family member gives you on the holidays that you hate? I don't get anything on the holidays o.o
• A word you despise? Shag. It's horrible. It can only be used to describe a type of tobacco. >>
• Something a family member does, that drives you crazy?
• The happiest moment of your life? Nothing that exciting or happy has happened you. Probably going to NY.
• The funniest thing that happened to you with your friends? A man walked past me and Sammie and went "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" and it was really high-pitched and I was just howling with laughter.
• The nicest thing someone has ever said to you? Aww, I don't know. ):
• A school day that actually went well, and what happened? School was closed.
• Your best/funnest birthday? What happened? God, I don't know. Ma'am Horse was there on my 15th. XD And Elanore shouted "It's not a birthday cake without a Birthday sticker!"
• The best gift someone has ever given you? Plane ticket to NY *sigh*
• A time you laughed so hard you peed your pants? what happened? God, years ago. o.o I'm stunned I'm admitting this.
• One of the best memories you have of a loved one? What the hæll?
• Best vacation with family? New York. 3500 miles away! I think, that's how many Frequent Flyer Miles I got >.> I get free trips around the world.
• Do you get migranes? Yes, I have drugs for them, and I go really quiet and don't speak for hours.
• Ever been pregnant when you didnt want to be? Yes, drat >.>
• Have you ever been trapped in an elevator? No, but I wish I did. It'd be great.
• Ever accidently caught something on fire in your home? Yes, Scarbble tiles, and I just stared at them.
• Has a pet ever ran away? did you find them? No
• Ever had a parent walk in on you and your someone doing something naughty? No lol o.o
• Your most embarassing moment? When I tripped in school on gravelled stones.
• Have you ever fell down the stairs? No, I fall going up the stairs.
• Ran into a see through door? lol, no
• Slipped on wet floor? XD Yes, it's dangerous.
• Ever found soemthing disgusting in your fast food? I don't eat fast food >.>
• Have you ever been diagnosed with something horrible? Nope ^.^
Where did you get that ma'amcon? It's fabulous!
It's lovely! I'll post it on MSN so you can save it.
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