I'm sorry I've deserted you for so long, this blog outage (bloggage?), but I really can't be bothered with you. This is practically a ghost blog anyway.
I've discovered that there's an Anna Karenina blog post for reading in 2009. I am, of course, 88 days behind, and it is rather disappointing to realise that others have already finished! [Link] However, I am thirty odd pages into Crime and Punishment and it seems to be a little confusing... but perhaps it's just me. I will need to continue reading... surely there is a chart thing on the internet that can tell me how much to read each night so I can finish by a certain time. Actually, I have discovered this reading timeline so I am not behind! This is actually wonderful news and I am quite happy... Lord, this is sad.
Everyone in English is moaning about Antony and Cleopatra but if you would just appreciate how good it is, then I think you'd notice how magnificent it is. I still have to re-read it and but notes on it, and the nice people in Borders traded my A Streetcar Named Desire for Othello notes, the other Shakespearean play we have to study.
It is 00:50 and Xiang is forcing me to play spelling bee... I'm pretending I can't notice anything on the website; I shall finish this tomorrow, sans spelling bees.
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