Sunday, May 24, 2009

I put them in this frisbee, then I throw them at the little children!

Goodness gracious! I just returned from my daily swim on my beautiful Fijian beach and realised I have not updated this since petrol was cheaper than a bottle of Grange... You would not believe the amount of people that are totally stalking me. Unbelievable.

I am distracted with my obsession of saving money, choosing my retirement village, just generally being a great friend to my friends (they love it!). My day sprawls from the moment my children manage to unlock my bedroom door and use me as a jumping castle to well after sun-down. I am so tired of my kids wanting me to give them attention and stuff. Can't they see I am blogging?

I absolutely, positively promise if one more person emails me to ask why I haven't posted today I will start posting pictures of toe fungus, or fecal murals. Well, I'll try. Don't hold your breath though, you're likely to turn blue...


Anonymous said...

a faecal mural frisbee plz

Jordan said...

That sounds horrendous.

I'll get right on it.

Anonymous said...


Jordan said...

Buy endangered faeces to save an endangered species!


Yup, "Rhino poop with bow"

Anonymous said...

My god, that's got the wow-factor.
