Friday, April 06, 2007


Once upon a time, I went to the opticians and was put through vigorous optic tests. I had to look into this box and count how many red circles there were, but I couldn't see any! And then he kept going "Hmmm" and looked like David Tennant. Then I had my retina photographed, which was penetratingly blinding light being shined into my eyeball! Finally, he had a microsocopid light and stared into my eye for about five minutes and I couldn't stop laughing because it was tickly...

Anyway, today I met up with the clan and went and played Frustration.
I only came third ;_; But it is only a piece of plastic >_> Then we done a one mile treck into the centre of town to look at French people speaking their mother tounge. I did try to buy something so I could bellow "Bonjour!" at one of them, but nothing looked tasty. I returned to my humble abode and I am not eating Garibaldi biscuits.

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