Friday, January 30, 2009

And so the show must go on

Well it really has been a long time since I updated this and it kind of seems like a lost cause. But never mind, I shall go on and work in reverse chronological order.

I bought a really nice top from Zara today. It's like a cardigan but it's got a hood, but it isn't heavy like a hoodie. Hmm, a hoodigan. I also got this egg, bacon and truffle breakfast Panini (Word says Panini should be capitalised) from Starbucks (I'm certain it was truffles but it could have been—dare I say it?—mushrooms). It was really nice for a breakfast thing at four pm! I got this brilliant Tennessee Williams One-Act Plays novella, it's really good. Some are a little boring and redneck but others are such an influence for these plays that I've been writing for English on Thursdays. WILLIAMS! I have a new favourite playwright—Woody Allen and William Shakespeare are shite. So is Arthur Miller. Snoozefest.

I had everyone come up to my house and there was hilarity, lateness and crepes to ensue. I, of course, made them as I am such a culinary and gastronomic prodigy. They eventually turned out like blobs near the end because I ran out of batter and I couldn't be bothered making another batch for two people. And I would have wasted an egg. Also, I keep making the delectable Nigella Lawson spruced-up vanilla cake! Oh my lord it is practically orgasmic.

I had to attend this, thought it would be, awful furniture convention at the Galerie d'art Moderne (that always sounded much nicer in French) but it turned out to be alright. There was a one hour talk on furniture design—think someone from IKEA talking to you for an hour about all the furniture in the store. Then I, alone, the only person from the school, and about twenty other pupils from an art college went down to look at all the paintings and draw some inspiration from them. Of course, I drew a stupid tree trunk. [One hour lunch break.] We then proceeded to design something from the shapes, basically what we done last year, then I moulded it out onto this foamy thing then it ended up looking like a giant foam tooth. I returned to school then threw the tooth at Xiang in maths.

I turned 17 in January—it really wasn't that excited as there's nothing you can do at 17 that you couldn't at 16. Yes, besides driving, but I'm excluding that as I find it completely irrelevant. I got money, clothes and some books. I'm still waiting on Common Errors in English. Cough. Although that does remind me that I've to pay Amy for those darn papers. I'm also away to New York again at the end of February for a week, so there shall be much buying of new and good stuff. Air Traffic Chaos! lol

I have a gigantic dissertation to do for English, as well as an Art and Design dissertation too. (Who would have thought you can get a grade by talking about the wonders of designers and lamps?) But Art is good fun and I shouldn't complain cos it's really just my fun subject that I chose.

My stupid cat is so unbelievably greedy. I thought cats were supposed to be fussy but, oh lord, not him. He's always got his face in the bin looking for food, or he jumps onto your shoulder when you have a bowl of cereal so you end up looking like Cerberus is your Siamese twin. But I mean, we feed him and all, he eats it then he eats more and that ends up being just too much for him so he's always sick after that—I just don't understand him. And he's so bloody noisy in the morning! I really need to move than ironing board. I also have a new computer, but it's not that exciting. It's nice and black. Also! I've found a brilliant blog, although I have heard of it before, it needs an official mention:

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